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Friday, August 31, 2007

TEACHERS' DAY WAS HILARIOUS! Today class party was OK lah, but everybody knows class parties get a little boring after a while. So after eating a lot of junk food, decided to walk around the corridors aimlessly. Then saw saiying and since i was wuliao today and decided to bring bubble gum, i challenged saiying and see who can blow bigger bubble. I think there's something worth more attention now; the teachers' day performance. Most of the acts were funny la. Like the 409 one. The one about the dummy's guide to teaching at Nanyang Girls' or smthn. Funny! After a lot of student performance was the um... PSG performance. It's was quite nice luh, but the amazing part was when one of them did the cartwheel and split! So flexible, more flexible than me. Then got some more some more student performance, then...... TEACHERS' PERFORMANCE! so funny. Especially the one with miss Sabrina and Mr Chia that one. But the rest of it was cool too. Like the Mr Tiong and Chen Lilli part. Then later had some presentation by the NYSC i think. the video. so cool. and some of the pics were funny. like Mrs sandy tan eating the pasta and Mr Tiong all sweaty with his weird smile. lol. OHOH! and the one where Mr Chia was looking at the camera through his legs that one! HAHA! FUN FUN TEACHERS' DAY!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Just in case you were wondering, this is how our wonderful baked fish turned out. Nice right! So cool! My mum's recipe OK!
This was the fruit slush cuz our ice lolly nvr freeze... lol TODAY'S TRNG WAS COOL! We played dog and bone, then had team shiai! It is chao cool! DOG & BONE was super fun. Just that I only scored like one point for the team where I actually took the "bone" and ran. HAHA! But team shiai was also quite cool luh. But I lost to Yuchao by koka. But I expected it cuz she's like pro luh.
**P.S. The pictures I just kope from Dion. Srry Dion! lol :P

Saturday, August 25, 2007

There's Home Ec. kitchen trial on Monday! How fun! =.=" I think the trial itself is gonna be quite fun, but not so crazy about the preparation and the time plan etc. GRADING ON 8/9! SO SOON! I have like barely memorised the throws and holds. Memorising is not the problem, it's executing them that's the problem. And you know how strict sir can be about whether your throw is correct or not, so that's pressurising. At least maybe other schools will come so that sir will be um.... sir won't concentrate on us so much :D jkjk

Monday, August 20, 2007

I hate FPS OK, like seriously! It's like so troublesome. But somehow, I find it more interesting than BRP. But both suck the same. Assembly was quite boring except for the music part I guess XD When I came home, I actually decided to start doing written task 3. Wow! Big surprise :P

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I just realised, that baking is a really good way to pass the time and relieve stress, and can actually bond you and your "helper", which in my case was my mum! Today, we decided to do something so that we didn't need to buy anything for breakfast. So we made raisin scones and orange butter cake :D

Friday, August 17, 2007

Today the 90th anniversary closing was OK la. Nothing much to talk about there.
Today was a very, um... sian day, apart from the interview.SO SCARY!
But I don't think that it would have been as scary as the rest of my friends cuz not only were the teachers there to observe them, there were PSLs too, which made it, I think, quite intimidating. It was at the 4th level of the library la. There were 4 rooms. Only one room didn't have the PSLs, and that was my room! Lucky me.
The questions were a bit.... uh, don't know how to describe la. But most of the questions were like quite expected la, like you could kind of predict they were going to ask those questions. At least they didn't ask some stupid question like they asked my senior for councillor interview. The stupid question goes like this: "If you could be a table or a chair, which one would you be?" so stupid...
I think that was the only climatic thing of the day cause of the nervousness etc. The rest of the day was boring, and my hand cramped up while writing the stupid LA compo graded assignment thing -.-

Thursday, August 16, 2007

FINALLY! GOT BACK LA TEST! Results... ok la. Shan't talk much abt that. Actually ,today was like seriously boring, so what's there to blog about anyway?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Well, I got back my bio test today. Not very fantastic or anything, but considering that most of the problems were challenging and that it tested me mainly on things i didn't really study, I'm quite happy with the results, I guess. But I still don't know why _______ take so long to give us back LA Common test... On the bright side, Dion, saiying and me decided to set up the SFC! lol. I think only the 3 of us know about this. It was quite amusing though :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

You know I really don't know why _______ take so long to give us back our test OK! It's like the first test we took la! Other classes already got it back OK... Does it really take that long to mark????!!! And I realise that I really do not understand Income and Tax and the stupid chargeable income thing. "What would the world be like without maths?" "Imagine a world without numbers" Guess who I quoted this from..

Monday, August 13, 2007

I love school holidays. It means I can finally wake up late. So shiok! Since my mum was free, we went to j8 to walk around and buy groceries and ended up buying a lot of clothes... dun ask why. Since I was bored when I got home, and my mum went to bring my brother for his check up, I decided to try making scones ( my mum says I should do something more meaningful than making myself stupider by watching so much TV ). The scones actually turned out quite nice! I shall have it for breakfast tomorrow :))

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Today got my Auntie's wedding! OK, since i only went for the reception in the morning, there's nothing much to talk about... BATCH SLEEPOVER! My mum said maybe we can have the sleepover at our house. That's if the rest of the batch is willing to squeeze in the living and dining room (don't worry, my living room and dining room are not 2 separate rooms, they are sort of a conjoined room). Then we can turn on the air con and watch DVDs the whole night. YAY! My aunt even agreed to lend us her whole DVD collection! Then we can talk and talk the whole night :) Here's another interesting thing to talk about. BATCH TEE AND JACKET! Me and Elysha decided to have a batch jacket too. We can show our seniors the design for the jacket and if they want, they can turn it into the judo jacket. If not then we just use as batch jacket. Then the batch tee will be white and we can print it on a jersey material. If our batch tee comes out right, we can even use it for training! Our batch tee will look so cool against PE shorts or FBTs! Can't wait to finally get batch tee!

This is my design for batch tee. I know it's not fantastic...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

HAPPY 42nd BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!! The only disappointing thing this year, is the national day song. I don't really like it. I think it needs to be livelier. Something like Reach Out for the Skies! At least it was more zesty. This year's one was quite dead. I think Will You would have made a better national day song. But oh well! At least all my homework is done! And i managed to redesign batch tee!!! BATCH 17!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Woah, yesterday was sir's birthday and yet he wanted to treat us to macs, but he declined his offer and paid for our own dinner :)
Today... was cross country day. Surprisingly, it was quite fun.
It started out with me, dion, elaine, si rong and rachel walking and walking. Then later i saw elysha and si hui and jia yan jogging and i felt zi bei so i went to run with them. Then run and run then we did something we did yesterday for PT (i think elysha should know cuz she did it with me :P) Then we got tired and high. Started running again. Then i carried Elysha for a short distance, then her turn to carry me. So fun!!!! But if it was like in PT then not fun la.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

I feel a sense of accomplishment. Yesterday, at 8, I finished my history assignment! Finally! After so much procrastination. Also, yesterday, I finished my maths written task because Mr.Tiong said he couldn't see the algebra in my magic trick so I had to redo. Took me like seriously long to do ok... super confusing to change all the numbers and bleah...Hate maths! Homework left: -Try to write a few problems/challenges in the FPS booklet. -Study for Bio common test on te 7/8 -Do Paul's wheel of reasoning worksheet before 18/8

Friday, August 3, 2007

Today was a fun day. We won our tag rugby match! WAHAHA! lol. Then me and Dion managed to finish our D&T photo frames in time, as in by 2pm today. It turned out quite nice ok!
Oh, then later during the CIP thing with the Green club, my group kept "oh my god"-ing the whole trip. lol. I think some people know what I'm talking about. Lol. The amount of newspapers and recyclables we collected was quite good and impressive. A lot ok! And my group realised that in the places where we went to ask about the recyclables, the rich people mainly never answer the door while the not so rich people donated a lot of Chinese newspapers and bottles and such. Then we saw the grossest thing. We saw a squirrel that was like run over by a car or something. It was like flat on the ground and the blood and guts were like oozing out. Super gross... Then we finally reached back to school, all hot and tired. Went we went back right, we saw people re-taking the 2.4km run in the afternoon sun. If it were me right, I would have started crying. It was like so darn hot today ok. I could already like feel the heat at the 10+ in the morning during our tag rugby match.
Oh well, that's my story for today. I know, you must think my life is like totally boring.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Omg! Today we totally cleaned out the whole dojo. Backbreaking. My back aches a lot now, and my knees have a lot of orcehs. First, before seniors came, we made a human pyramid. Painful as well. Took a picture. Don't feel like posting. Anyway, then later when seniors came, we removed the cupboard and all the shelves, and then all the things in the store, which, trust me, was a lot of stuff. I had to draw the floor plan/mat plan. Damn hard to draw 75+ mats in horizontal and vertical patterns. It's very random pattern some more. Then later we removed all the mats and cleaned them. There were like 75+ mats... WOW! Then we vacuumed and cleaned the whole floor and chased lizards away.. lol Then, WE FLOODED THE WHOLE DOJO! So fun. Take the cloth and run and slide. But it was like super super tiring to get all the water out. Took like almost 2 hours i think. Then guess what? We had to bring all 75+ mats all back in! Oh ya, we also had to bring all the wooden planks back. But this woman chased us out of the boarding school at like 7+, so we just stuffed the rest of the stuff in the dojo first. I can't help my seniors and batch mates finish putting the stuff properly on Monday though. Got piano lesson.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Today's was quite amusing in general, and here's why... 1) Dion learnt how to swing yesterday, and today, she conquered the higher swing in school 2) We were late for tag rugby and the teacher was just like "go take a ball" and didn't really care that we were late 3)Tag rugby was quite funny cuz this guy who joined us called A _ _ _ _ t , was bullied by us and we were sort of making fun of him and during the game we keep saying he got a foul like "physical contact", "running out of bounds" 4)Went to swing in the rain 5) D&T was like freakin' irritating cuz i kept cutting the plastic wrongly and finally the plastic gave up on me and broke and it took very long to file it properly 6) Went to swing again after school 7) Waited for Elaine for like 1hour and in the end, we found out that she was on some excursion.... wait for nothing :( On the whole, an amusing and fun day cuz for some reason i was laughing like practically the whole day :)

Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow.