Saturday, December 29, 2007
yes! i am free! free from make up trainings (for now). i finished my last make up training today. then got so little people. and it was really slack. slacker than usual. then sir was in a good mood (which indirectly puts me in a good mood). then today, for the first time in the whole year, sir decided to play with me (i think he had nothing better to do). quite fun lah. everytime he throw i will laugh. so fast can! it's like first i'm looking at his feet then after that i'm looking up at the ceiling. but so fun. and because sir throws really fast, it's really not painful at all. anyway, me and carrie were thinking that maybe we should go for more make up trainings, so can get negative so that if we miss training at least sir won't be so angry. then after training went to shower then go to cricket club for dinner(getting sick of that place). then they had a new risotto dish (just for the people who don't know already, risotto is rice). so filling! i'm never eating that again unless someone share with me or they have smaller portions. then the rest of my family was busy drinking the fish head curry -.-" for some reason, although i'm an asian, i like ang moh food better, but when i'm in ang moh country then i start missing asian food.
Friday, December 28, 2007
ok. today i shall report the tiring days of training camp.
Day 1:
day 1, the worst day ever! it was super tiring can. all the ebi and short push and butterfly all over again. and the new forward roll, flip, turn, flip thing. and the side flip thing. so horrible. then during randori someone jabbed my ribs. then the worst part was the PT! haven't been jogging for so long then suddenly ask me to jog around hwa chong. ohoh! then sir was trying to be funny and said if any of the guys started "chasing" any of us girls then they have to do punishment. then they all just chiong in front of us. HAHA! so funneh!
Day 2:
day 2's training wasn't so bad. it was just video watching (which was so shuang), then the other schools come for randori. mainly. then tachiwaza thing. oh, then as usual sir will talk to us la. can't remember what it was about. but after he say "you shen me wen ti", then later everyone started asking stupid questions. then sir was like "i know your tricks". haha.
Day 3:
haha! slackest day of all. from 8-10 i got psl gm. then when me dion and emma got back, they all just finished PT and were sleeping in the dojo. then after that just shiai 2 bouts only. hahahaha!
*sigh*, but tomorrow i have to go for make-up training with carrie. we only have one left and there's only one more saturday left this month. so got no choice. happy post christmas and a pre new year everyone!
Monday, December 24, 2007
hey ya'll. it's christmas eve! i am relaxed today cuz i've done all my christmas shopping and all the present wrapping. yay me! then instead of the traditional turkey, my family's gonna have a christmas barbecue! then my god sisters are coming to stay over. it's gonna be so much fun. then today at midnight, we're gonna open all our presents! yay!!!! i can practically smell the lamb, beef, and the roasted marshmallows. oh, and fruitcake, and caviar! dunno why a lot of people dun like caviar. maybe it's an acquired taste. anyway, wishing everyone a MERRY CHIRSTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR! now i am off to start writing down/thinking of my new year resolutions.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
alvin and the chipmunks was so cool!!!! haha. they were so adorable. and the voices were so cute! i love theodore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok. so that's what i did yesterday. went to the movies with dion and her pri sch friends. so fun. and today is the big day. my piano exam. ahhhhhhh! the pieces are easier to play than last year's one. and they changed the syllabus. so for the hearing test there's no more clapping the rhythm, no more singing the melody. yay!!! i still want to watch fred claus, national treasure and i am legend. although i find the date that i am legend is showing quite weird. who puts the date of a movie on christmas? when the prices of tickets are all higher, and people will be busy putting decorations on the christmas tree and cooking their christmas dinner and shopping for last minute gifts? school starting soon!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
hmm. let's see. ok yesterday's make-up training session wasn't so bad. it wasn't as hot as it was before. last time it was like just really hot cuz it was in the afternoon and it was a really sunny day and there was hardly any ventilation. when i went yesterday it was gonna rain, so it was pretty cool. 2 more make up trainings! and i would have cleared my debt i owe to sir.
2007 is coming to an end, and it's time to welcome 2008, the new leap year! i think next year is going to be a great year. let us all start afresh!
C Div championships!!! jiayou everyone. must get 1st again! it's it rightfully ours! wahahahaha.
merry christmas in advance people.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
holidays are getting boring. and worst of all, it's coming to an end soon! noooooo! i know, it's a tragedy/reality that we all have to face sooner or later anyway :D:D
can't wait to see the new little kiddies/sec 1s next yr! i hope i get to see ppl from my school come to ny. in my yr only me and si min came to nanyang. so pathetic... only 2 ppl.
sec 1s! join judo! it improves, self-discipline, health (in general), gives you a chance to make new friends, and helps your résumé (if needed)! so must join! yay!!
to people who r not sec 1s, plz don't think i'm eccentric :P
p.s. i♥this cursor! so cute!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
movies i've watched this past year:
2)the golden compass(it's a trilogy!)
4)game plan
5)mr bean's holiday
6)shrek 3
7)bee movie
8)harry potter and the order of the phoenix (was it this yr?)
Movies I want to watch:
1)i am legend!!!
2)alvin and the chipmonks
3)fred claus
anyone want to watch with me???
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
farm stay!
here r some more fotos!

these sheep seriously need a bath...

miniature horses r cute. it was my first time seeing them up close.

this is "horace the horible goat". seriously, it's his name...

this is one of the farmer's dogs. the lazy one.

this is the farmer's other dog. the poser.

this is gloria and the 3 little pigs! i'd call this giant, but there are bigger ones. just not at this farm luh.

this is a donkey. aren't they adorable?
seriously. nice haircut.
too lazy to post the rest today. will post more soon!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
my holiday :)
hello ppl! back from holiday! although it was quite fun, i have quite a lot to complain abt. like how mosquitoes and sand flies luv me. on the bright side, i got to go shopping! and visit me little cousin. she's so cute now. after 2 yrs, she can finally almost walk properly (she takes a while to walk cuz her muscles weren't strong enough. she was premature manxzxz). anyway, here's some fotos from the holiday!
she's so cute right?!?!?!
stradbroke island.
isn't this pretty?
this is vodka and i accidentally drank it cuz i didn't know it was an alcoholic drink.

wallaby sitings!!!
that's all for now! these fotos are from stradbroke island. i'll post the farm stay and sunshine coast fotos another day!