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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

shizzz. so many projects due in same week woah xianxzxz.

today go bugis shopping haha. walk around for like 2 hours plus with dion, si hui, kai lin, and carrie, who left halfway. who. so cool/fun. haha.

oh yesterday was horrible. was having randori with jing fang then juniors never guard then fall on my collar bone now damn painful. wahahaha. CSM is stupid. there's nothing to do except stalk random people. haha. solomon..... lol.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Monday, April 21, 2008

i just found out that the way i did my xue xi dang an is all wrong. now i have to redo everything! NO!!!! and i thought i was almost done! D: haha. ok today was seriously late for the badminton finals thing because some guy's car decided to break down in the middle of the road and cause a massive traffic jam on the HIGHWAY! so in the end dion told me to make my own way there. took taxi. it's really hard to catch a cab in the morning. seriously. i almost tried booking one. ok. then reached there just as they were warming up. sadly in the end we lost but got 2nd! nanyang badminton is cool! then saw xiang ying at the sports hall getting her prize. so nice to see her again. she's still as cute as ever!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

i'm very tired so i'll list everything down in point form:
1)today have age group competition. play play play then nothing to do alr. quite boring. but today keep making fun of carrie as usual. WIKEPEDIA! lol. inside thigum.
2)I found out that guys get bored very fast and do lame things like spam people.
3)today was the first time my dad offered to fetch me and pick me for competition. amazed.
4)Si Hui amuses me very much. and together with elysha we can spend the whole day laughing. sam goes for when i'm with elaine/dion/carrie. amusing x 10.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

wtf! i got posted to leadership sabbatical! seriously WTF!!!!!!!!! shit.for the chinese one i'll probably/hopefully get into penzai. that's like the slackest one. then followed by e-learning. today went for training super early. went at like 8?! only 4 people in the dojo. really quiet. other that that, everything else in my life is normal. normal meaning me being very busy with last minute work, training(s)/competitions, and me being overly obsessed with the little things in life. yeah.

Friday, April 18, 2008

okay let me try to remember what happened this week. there was council interview which was totally screwed. they ask funny questions. what kind of car do you think best represents you and why? the teachers are less intimidating than 6 councillors staring at you, all expressionless. hmm. then had the SMBO (Singapore-Malaysia Schools Bilingual Olympiad) thing today. saw my pri sch juniors. one of them didn't recognize me. so sad. the written paper was super easy luh. maybe the listening compre was average standard. but it's only the preliminary rounds. and i have to consider that they're only primary six. oh well. elysha's dinner tomorrow. she is fully booked! so hard to make appointment with her man. she has a lot of dates to attend :D

Monday, April 14, 2008

feel as though i'm beng left out of a lot of things bleh.nvm.

anyway today went for make up training with carrie. and carrie only. EVERYBODY PANGSEH! HOW CAN YA'LL. ended up training wit the only girls there= carrie + pei jin + huiming! people who pangseh = dion, elaine, jin ru, sai ying, elysha, si hui! and more! hwa chong gym is cool luh. air con stylo. got conned to accompany hui ming because she didn't want to be the only girl doing weights. carrie left for tuition so she didnt go D:

guys don't bend for rubber tubes :O ohoh. and sir said that the girls are more qin lao than the guys! pwnz.

i'll miss you elysha/your laughter/craziness/randomness. HAWHAW!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

today dion's terrapin managed to escape twice before being caught again. lol. so frantic. and yesterday was fun. played with earthworms. lol. because jan and li wen were scared of worms, i had to help them pour out the soil and dig out any earthworms. they are cold! never knew. haha. JIN RU IS SICK OK! urgh.

freaking effing pissed! is it our fault that we dn't talk during training? is it our fault that you guys talk/look at us during training? it's not our fault is it now?

Monday, April 7, 2008

today was really slack. first we had science which was um... you know. yea. then had home econs! which was the most fun one today la. we made apple crumble. me and alicia were crapping a lot. then in the end the crumbs didn't turn out like dion's and yvette's which were even better than mrs lee's. ours turned out quite lumpy. but i have come to love it's lumpiness because it makes it taste better. the powdery one was quite gross cuz it dissolves in your mouth, while the lumpy ones had some texture/tasted better. yea. and yes! i have finished art homework. i actually went home to make the 2 pinch pots. i managed to actually turn it into a pot although elaine squashed it with her bare hands. haha. pwnz.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

hello. i think i shall start baking since my mum thinks that i need to do something more productive and useful in my free time. but what to make? theres muffins, cupcakes, cake, scones, bread, brownies, biscuits and so mony more. i'll probably make brownies because they are sinful and fun/easy to make. i won't make muffins and cupcakes because elaine and ely always make them. so yeah.

i dont get linear graphs so i won't get anything that has to do with graphs. so i shall fail maths. for the first time. ever. yay me!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

today was quite ok. in general. ok let me think. in the morning, this councillor came to class assuming i was the monitress? then gave me this stack of coloured paper to ask the class to write thank you notes for the support staff. then joan say that they ask us write cuz maybe if they have the Support Staff Day thing then nobody write to malu :D honestly, i don't even know who i'm writing to. haha. drama was quite fun la. keep niaoing the 4 jokers and dion's curly hair. nick ng say that she has gone through a lot (just from looking at her hair). lol. amusing x 9. then during OM, went to audi to see the other groups. i'm very sure that if we finish our props on time we would have pwn them! hahahahaha! there were 2 of the performances i couldn't really get. i think because they murmur a lot/mic not working properly. so yeah. but there were also some nice ones/understandable. sacrificed lunch to work on OM props for next weeks assessment. so fast. music test was just crap la. sure fail.

training! was generally ok. even PT wasn't that bad yet. the best part was the last part. the push the leg thing. so slack. walking in the rain is cool/refreshing. but it's not emo. my legs are now wobbly not from PT, but from standing on the bus for 1 hour plus with a lot of things. and tomorrow we get to go on stage to look pretty and menacing. WHOOO!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

yesterday during training sir called wei juan to play with him. then i was so happy. then later as she was about to go out then he found out he called the wrong person and ended up calling me instead. playing with sir is cool/scary. he throw so fast until it's not very painful. but of course with every throw there's still a little pain luh. ended up with a lot of orcehs.

today nothing much happened. went to school, do bao zhang du hou gan, got back science paper (very disappointing. 1 more mark!), watch rachel and si rong play games which were very sick, then go for tetrifide concert. 1) the games played were sick and gross. dunno what butt scan, then something about models on the runway who make slip ups. the butt scan thing is to scan your butt on the photocopier without getting caught by colleagues. then the models thingm is about these models walking on the runway then when their shirt drop/censored part appears then must use the handphone to take picture. gross. 2)the tetrifide concert was really cool/noisy...never knew the body can make so many cool and weird sounds. at the end of the concert rachel and si rong and pei si actually went to buy the $20 CD :O

Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow.