Saturday, August 30, 2008
Teachers day:
HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY! it seems many people tend to froget to put in the apostrophe after TEACHER, but nvm that's beside the point. so it was ok. gave a present to a teacher i never heard about. then went back for class party. there was more food than expected actually. haha! then then decided to get out and go to the wonderful tyre swings. relive childhood memories blah blah. took pictures of the cats near the guardhouse. they are super cute, but super shy. we(me and dion) are cat animal repellants. oh well. still managed to get nice shots of them. HA! then concert and SIR CAME! haha! sir: the only coach who has stayed in nanyang for more than 15 years! you rock sir! then gave present thingy to sir. went back to primary school only to get chased out again. so dumb. then went home to slack.
I miss some of my primary school days. all the fun and laughter, all the rule breaking, accidentally forgetting to turn on the PA system for assembly, raising the school flag UPSIDE DOWN! haha! but secondary school life isn't that bad i guess when you have great friends around you. sad that our class is splitting up next year, but it can't be helped. ah well, at least there will always be judo.
in the future, i will either die because i decided to travel to the bermuda triangle, die on the moon, or die on mars. in other words, dying somewhere cool is well, COOL! HAHA!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
oh gosh. finally after so long finished physics SIA already. to people out there, please don't get addicted to video games. wait later you die ah! people already died from video games so don't die please. HAHA! shan't elaborate too much since 1) i'm talking about that for 3 min talk, 2) i am too lazy to type this during school hours and there's only 5 mins of break left. hehe. i am very busy this week. MAF, bukit timah blah, grading... oh well. almost end of the year already. must buck up! O:
Monday, August 25, 2008
Hmm... nothing much today it seems. went to school and it was freezing. now i know that a circuit is not as simple as i thought it was. ELCB, MCB, RCCB blah. stupid bukit timah nature reserve shit. have to rush it out since only free days are near dateline of submission. haha! then LA wasted like half an hour on computer problems XD haha! yi qiao and si rong helped me remember that liu xiang and phelps are cool/ok people! bolt is cool too. tom daley.... heh. then after school, missed one bus because of CARRIE! DON'T PULL MY SLEEVE LUH 8D. then finally after dion came, i was allowed to take the second 74 home :/ then lalalalalalalala. piano! now only concentrating on theory crap for exam. 1st november leh! cannot understand the cadence rules for 4 part shit. oh well!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
scarlet! ok a bit lag. scarlet was last night. but anyway, it was quite ok. just that i couldn't understand the play properly. too chim for me! haha! something about women's rights? and bulimia rape genocide thing. that's all i got. am down with flu! shit. i think it's the rain. yes. i shall blame everything on the rain/anything that is not my immune system. i finally decided what to do for 3 minute talk blah. history assignment is still undone. but who cares! i am too tired ;D i am very bored now. someone suggest something for me to do!
oh. i found that i suck at bowling :D:D shall blame that on the rain too :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
ok today nothing much. had really fun games of blackjack! haha! i lost a lot. seems i can only win during CNY. 8D
oh then went for the theatre thing. dion si rong pei si and rachel camwhoring on the bus? :/ lol. my camera has a lot of their photos pls.
the performance was pretty cool. the coffin cannot fit into the hole. amusing x 2.
then after that nothing to do. walk to bugis then look around, eat/do similarity worksheet at macs. mcflurry! oh sorry elaine! i will eat double fries next time :D
don't be sad dion. you still have yours truly! cannot die/lose weight ah!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
- i (L) rainy days. it just makes the day much more enjoyable with that little bit of wind.
- sorry photocopying lady! i will pay you your $$$$$ when i get class fund :D
- i know this'll sound stupid, but i feel weird not having a pile of homework to do. i know i sound like a nerd yes I KNOW.
- elbow is screwed.
- HAHA! inter-club team championships.
- 3 minute talk thingum! HOW?! i don't know what to talk about.
- nothing to talk about alr. BB
Monday, August 18, 2008
I have lacquer on my nails now. Very hard to scratch off!!!! But art was still fun. Haha! Mas Selamat was replaced with a penguin! Lol. PHOTOS!

Ok anyway besides that, I typed out most of the physics SIA report thing for our catapult! DION AND SI RONG YOU OWE ME BIG MAN!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
- haha, as expected, all my bouts were JC people. RJC and beatrice.
- no prize. duh. lol
- i realise i have a lot more homework than i thought i did at first.
- end of year trip to south africa. hmmm.....
- to carrie: i'll be gone from 26th to 5th/6th december depending on the timing :D don't miss me!
- to mader: sorry! i know i owe you like 50 push ups. next training ok?
- i am innocent. i have NO secrets at the moment whatsoever!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
point form:
- i (think) i finished doing character analysis blah.
- cannot afford to screw up MSG already.
- need to go out. very bored!
- pesta sukan tomorrow.
- i am not scared.
- because i
think i will lose anyway. - i hope that there is no weigh in.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Today had CIP thingum. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Annie is quite nice/can read/ likes to draw paint blah. Born on the 7th of July. We were like the first few to finish. she is cool luh please. Her drawing also not bad I must say :D supposed to reflect on the cip, but I can’t think of anything now. I guess I’ll appreciate what I have now and not take things for granted because I know I’m blessed to turn out well, somewhat normal I guess… I think I’ll print that out for reflections.
That aside, after cip had one hour to do nothing, so we went to poolside to buy coke zero/stone. Just sat there laughing at random stuff. Then **** came, so me and dion wanted to leave, but si rong and Rachel… yeah. Lol. **** looks different from last time. Seems hmm… shall not say here ;D
Oh, btw, I am reannotating my r&j book. It was super messy/cannot read. ARGH! I don’t understand why people will write these kinda plays when they’re free. Can’t they just sit around and chat/stone/do something less productive? Tsk.
P.S. I like beef/milk, but I don’t like grass. Ew. Ice cream also! This message is for Dion /Rachel/ Si Rong (especially). Yes. The rest of you people can ignore this part.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
AH! just heard from si hui that japan isn't doing very well for judo olympics! anyway go japan!
compared to the olympics opening ceremony our ndp is like... that's why i'm not watching. but anyway, still, happy birthday singapore! i heartxzxz you. i have to wait till friday to get my phone back. hmph. i think i'll buy the adobe creative suite thing (since i'm sponsored anyway :D)
oh no. pesta sukan in 8 days O: nvm. wait later choked to death in the dojo. eeh so uncool please. even more uncool thing is that it's bedok! so hot ): lalalalala.
i don't know what to choose for subject combination. a lot of stress from that. when my parents say they let me choose = more pressure. triple science? or maths and science (i don't think i have a 85% science every term :/)
i just realised that i actually have a lot of soft toys in my room. some of them are actually quite sentimental. i thing i'll wash them and put them beside flops since he/she is probably quite lonely 8) i just found out that some of those toys were acutally birthday presents from the past few years (like flops), some of the people of gave them to me actually passed on already, which just makes me treasure them even more now. i liked the doll given to me by my greatgrandmother. that one's definitely going beside flops.
Friday, August 8, 2008
ok 08.08.08. what a nice date.
today had connect singapore thing. FAILURE.but before that me dion carrie elaine jin ru went to KAP for breakfast REALLY REALLY early in the morning. then just slack and slack and ROLLER COASTER RUSH! it is awesome ttm! hmm. then took bus to police academy blah. SORRY SI HUI! :D then then um.....sat around (not) singing songs. and then went out of the academy to hold hands blah, and not recite pledge. went back in. talk talk talk. GO HOME! i went home to find that my phone died. some LCD screen problem. it'll only be fixed in 5 working days :( oh well. please don't die!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
- hello
- i am very tired
- i want to die
- but yet i'm not dead am i?
- i am not emo. i don't have oreos. duh.
- it's seventh month.
- will die when i feel like it. not now
- maybe after i see the northern lights/aurora borealis

- i know. it's so pretty. i will make it a point to see it before i die. bye!
Monday, August 4, 2008
ok so today's geog wasn't a total letdown... and to carrie and dion: you should catch more sleep in the morning, so don't waste your time on me. XD art was acutally ok for a change. as usual i didn't know what the physics stuff was all about (yet another failurexzxzxzx). ELAINE! stupid pesta sukan (failure no.2) ok nothing else already. this is like only the 150th post since i last changed my url. hehe.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
- today was pretty much boring
- carrie and dion laugh at the weirdest things
- they talk a lot of crap
- went to pass books for the CIP thing
- both of them were freaking out at something that wasn't intimidating -.-
- went to KAP
- they talked more crap
- constant use of the word subjective
- they have new word of the month thing/word of the week (dion has both)
- that's pretty much it. bye!