Thursday, December 25, 2008
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!! thanks for the presents blah blah blah. ok christmas eve ate a lot. ham noodles ice cream and many many more. thank goodness for camp (: and my cousins are all back for chirstmas for the first time! usually they just stay in japan anyway. ok, can't think of anything else to type already. again, wishing all of you a merry christmas and a happy new year! (L)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
wrestling is fun/cool/easier than judo btw. but quite tiring though, six minutes. score keeping is confusing too! lol.
today's training was ok-ish. can still remember last year's was much tougher, but last year i would feel somewhat less tired than i do this year, which means i suck. whoo!
Saturday, December 20, 2008

i took the test ok! not lying/deceiving you/me (: seriously!
and wrestling thing on monday. wonder if the spandex and headgear thing will be seen then, but i highly doubt so.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
i have survived training(s). muscle aches everywhere. but yay! i am losing weight. but it's all probably water weight, which is very sad please. calf muscles are the worst. cannot walk down stairs, for the first time ever, i would rather walk up the stairs. whoo! gave dion the oil thingy yesterday. so cool. no screaming! unbelievable! but it's probably thanks to sai ying for being husband-like to dion. ok nothing much already. apart from my internet having a lot of problems ):
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
hello! animal photos!
Friday, December 5, 2008
I am back! Actually i was back since yesterday early morning. Super jetlag. 6 hours difference.
Nothing much really. The highlight of the whole trip was actually just the game reserve safari thing, the rest was mainly sightseeing and a lot of time wasted on the tour bus. Visited the main stuff like the table mountains, the lion reserve, the cheetah reserve, the vineyards blah. Mountains were very cold. Strong winds.
Oh! My brother and I went to do the zipline/ flying fox or whatever you call it. Cool/scary ttm. I think it's 280m high, 2km long and it goes more than 120km/h depending on weight etc. I would have done it twice but it is expensive. 320 rand. means about a little less than S$64? yeah. There are surprsingly a lot of casinos there.
I will upload photos another day. Too lazy now. Especially after training? I have serious lack of stamina, so i'm prepared to die on Wednesday! Yay! And i don't like the music playing while training. Gives headache/cannot concentrate. Supposed to train to fight in noisy environment blah. HAHA! Amusing x a million.