Friday, August 28, 2009
yay no more braces :D haha miss it in a weird kind of way though? getting retainers tomorrow. finished math worksheet and ih assignment :)but so smart. i wanted to study for IH and i left important IH notes in school. all the singapore/japan/sri lanka/Northern Ireland ones too. damn.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
today's supposed study date at XXXXX XXX was epic. funny haha! never knew what she looked like O: and his shoes i still dunno what that brand of shoes look like heh. oh well i will google it later. pomchies(?) ftw but so expensive almost $10. it is just shreds of rubber. and elaine, i didn't really know about engagement thing until today OMG WTF! freaky ttm. 2 bf my whole life? wow i am so loyal x 2 :] but it is still freaky i will be cautious. anyway went running again to burn off the junk i ate/post lunch food. free flow pepsi is nice but evil (oxymoron)? maybe sinful is a better way to describe a free flow of pepsi. but i have to admit, it was value for money.
Friday, August 21, 2009
i went running today, just 2.4km for a start before i die during training tomorrow. push ups sit ups squats and whatnot seem really hard to do now after comps. ok i will promise to exercise/do pt at least like twice a week (including pe). haha for the first time in my life i didn't use the lift to get to my house so i walked up 13 storeys and leg cramped halfway. at least no one was there to see. and as stupid as it sounds, i will study for cc3 exam. whoo! before i fail/in case this is counted in chinese CA marks. OH OH OH AND BTW I PASSED IH! haha! vast improvement since last term yey. i just realised eoys are starting soon and i haven't bothered to touch anything. wow :/
pesta sukan on sunday. i have been asked to lose weight by pargar singh -.- because there are not enough opponents in -57. is it my fault there aren't enough people?! pfft. i think that was the only reason i went running voluntarily. shit motivation. oh well hopefully lose some weight if not all that effort spent trying to perspire/burn fat as much as possible is all in vain.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
yey i survived on three hours of sleep. i think this is the second latest time i've slept this year? record was slept about 1 hour plus? slept around 4 i think. but i was doing work then. went to bed last night/morning 2.15am. was quite awake though, until my head hit the pillow. instantly sleepy.
kata was quite fun today. thanks carrie for being a good jumper/making people think i can throw properly, or rather at least make my throw "sound" correct. haha! my stamina had deproved a lot, and muscles are turning into flab. today i ran 3 rounds around the hall and i felt the burn in my thighs that i usually get only during really bad pt. shit. and i'm quite sure i've put on weight, non-negligible weight. i want to go cycling tomorrow since it's school hols for ny. thank you claire soon. whoo!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
today was quite funny. most teachers that came into class today looked sad. disappointed in us, expected us to do better. haha! i'd be happy to even pass chinese? pfft. and math? i want A1. for sciences too i guess? and IH omg. i hope to pass IH. i think i studied quite a lot? hopefully it was enough. if not then HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH WTF! anyway passing out today. quite cool. and nominations thing. i need mrs kuan's number to reject tyvm.
Saturday, August 8, 2009

i think this is a really cool tee :D my savings have seen a big decline. why? very simple one word answer: clothes. sorry, this is really where most of my money goes. followed by birthday presents throughout the year. whoo!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
blocks are finally over. some papers were better than others. hopefully won't score too badly luh. but i know i didn't study as hard as last term :/
went to ion today to walk around. you can really get lost. it's big and confusing and not regularly shaped. some of the new shops are quite cool. lol New Look. took so long to find it then just walk about 5 minutes. other shops were cool too; havaianas, and uniqlo's opening soon. walked around topshop a lot. shoes bags clothes and dunno whether in the end anybody bought anything or not. one thing i don't understand is why must there be so many shopping malls in singapore? do we not have enough? like seriously. waste money. orchard road was doing fine without it. but since it's there...might as well?